Monday, February 10, 2014


He had decided to set up on his own as a specialist in waterproofed outerwear, such as oiled or rubberized coats and boots that could be bought by gentlemen working in the city to take to their country piles at the weekends or on journeys abroad.
In 1851, a promotion described their Dreadnought waterproof coats and capes as "the best articles ever made up for sportsmen, sailors, and travelers. They will resist the heaviest rain and greatest tropical heat for any length of time, and their durability is equal to their waterproof qualities. Officers and others proceeding in the colonies will find these articles invaluable.

Other items included Sheet India rubber fishing boots, precursors to the rubber Wellington that were "impervious to water and required no dressing to keep them in condition."

"It had the most exquisitely cut jacket. I very shyly tried it on and it was immaculate and stormproof."

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