Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Woman President

again, as imagined by donna 20+ years ago, and again for fall 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

taking the leap from listening to saying "listen to me"

i preferred to listen rather than speak, to see instead of to be seen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

it kept many in the audience rapt at the sight of an intelligent designer working on a vision of dressing that applies to a life they actually find themselves leading

now that a talent has cropped up who is attending to such issues as what to wear to work, or how to dress for evening while staying sleek and sophisticated, no wonder the fashion-disenfranchised are riveted.

Monday, July 18, 2011

clothes that work

I like the idea of women buying the clothes and then...
for a woman to
feel proud, satisfied, comfortable and powerful
in them,
to wear them and get on with their lives.

this idea of a wardrobe, the idea that we're establishing certain signatures and updating them, that a change in colour or fabric is enough.

I do think that the world doesn't need many more frivolous bits and bobs that end up left in cupboards or landfills.


I think women have experienced that they are free to be girly, sexy kitten, gross, provocative, whatever, if they like to. But they may also have understood that in the long run, life is much more rewarding if they choose a
more dignified look.
- jil

your work

Your work is to discover your work and then,
with all your heart,
to give yourself to it.”
– Buddha

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getting Women Off the Sidelines

senator gillibrand, tory, donna discuss

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Surfers prepped for the frigid seas with frantic, almost tribal dances around beach fires, some taking to the water in wool sweaters (occasionally soaked in oil) and/or clunky, immobilizing scuba suits -- anything to stave off impending numbness. Waveriding was commonly conservative; the rational being that not falling and thus staying dry was paramount to getting radical. Enter Jack O'Neill, an inventive San Franciscan and window salesman by trade whose unwillingness to freeze his nuts off would revolutionize watergoing.

Following numerous aborted stabs at a functional, mobile suit, O'Neill found himself aboard a DC-3 passenger plane, studying aisles lined with a peculiar rubber-like substance: neoprene. O'Neill quickly ordered heaps of the stuff, began hand sewing it together and, in 1952, started up San Francisco's first surf shop along its Great Highway. Sales were brisker than the afternoon onshore winds that churned Ocean Beach. Later, he took to the road to market his invention, setting up ice-filled tanks in which he'd submerse his kids for hours to get the point across. Onlookers were stunned and overnight surfing became a year-round affair. O'Neill later moved his headquarters south to Santa Cruz, where both remain today.
